HoloViz Tutorial

HoloViz Tutorial


This tutorial will show you how to do visualization and build interactive dashboards using HoloViz, which is an open-source visualization ecosystem comprising eight packages. You will learn how to turn nearly any notebook into a deployable dashboard, how to build visualizations easily even for big, streaming, and multidimensional data, how to build interactive drill-down exploratory tools for your data and models without having to run a web-technology software development project, and finally how to deploy your dashboard.

HoloViz libraries



Github link: https://github.com/holoviz-community/HoloViz_KDD2022

We recommend running this tutorial locally on your machine. If you have trouble setting up your environment, you can run the tutorials through the Google Colab links above (click on the image).

To run this tutorial locally, you will need to do the following steps:
1. Download Anaconda or Miniconda
2. Git clone this repository and navigate to the folder

        git clone https://github.com/holoviz-community/HoloViz_KDD2022.git
        cd HoloViz_KDD2022
3. Create a new Conda enviornment with needed packages and activate this enviornment
        conda create --name holoviz -c conda-forge hvplot panel pandas jupyterlab streamz ipympl scipy datashader fastparquet python-snappy
        conda activate holoviz
4. Start Jupyter Notebook jupyter notebook or Jupyter Lab jupyterlab

Have questions?

If you have any questions during this tutorial, feel free to ask on our HoloViz KDD gitter. HoloViz team will be there to help you with any questions you have.

After this tutorial, if you have any questions, please ask on the HoloViz discourse. If you run into an issue/bug, please submit an issue or a pull request on HoloViz Github repos.

Follow HoloViz, Panel, Datashader, HoloViews on Twitter and check out awesome-panel.org for inspirations and discussions.



Sophia Yang, PhD

Senior Data Scientist at Anaconda


Marc Skov Madsen, PhD

Lead Data Science Developer at Ørsted


James A. Bednar, PhD

Director of Customer Service at Anaconda


Philipp Rudiger, PhD

Staff Software Engineer at Anaconda


Jean-Luc Stevens, PhD

Senior Software Engineer at Anaconda


Maxime Liquet

Software Engineer at Anaconda






Tutorial Easily build interactive plots and apps with hvPlot by Philipp Rudiger and Maxime Liquet

Tutorial Easy Plotting for Streaming Data by James A. Bednar

Blog post Python Dashboarding Ecosystem and Landscape: Plotly Dash, Panel, Voila, and Streamlit by Sophia Yang

Blog post The Easiest Way to Create an Interactive Dashboard in Python Visualization: Turn Pandas pipelines into a dashboard using hvPlot .interactive by Sophia Yang and Marc Skov Madsen

Blog post Big Data Visualization Using Datashader in Python by Sophia Yang